Our mission is simple

Knowledge is Power.

Victims Unite LA is a coalition of community agencies dedicated to empowering crime victims and their families. We promote putting the needs of crime victims first.

Victims Unite LA supports funding and policies that protect victims and support their healing; and hold offenders accountable.

Victims Unite LA opposes funding and policies that violate victims’ rights; endanger crime victims and their families; and endanger public safety, our communities and our neighborhoods.

Knowledge is power and we aim to provide information on relevant issues, how these issues are affecting our community, and all upcoming community and victim events.

How we help

Understanding the criminal process is key to understanding you rights as a victim and when they are triggered. To get an overview of the criminal court process, key terms, the various LADA policies and additional important info – Click Here

As a victim the criminal court process can feel overwhelming and painful. Many complain that they don’t feel like they have a voice. VictimsUniteLA is a group of victims’ organizations that have banned together to ensure that victims are kept informed and involved in seeking justice for their loved ones.

We provide comprehensive support services to all those experiencing or affected by abuse and violence.  Support is provided to victims of abuse who are living in the community.

“Being a survivor now, I realized I was not educated or aware about what being victimized was and how it impacted and affected people.”

– Survivor & VictimsUniteLA Supporter

Marsy's Law

As a victim or surviving family of crime you have constitutional rights afforded under Marsy’s Law. Knowing these rights and when they are triggered is crucial. Click the button below to learn about Marsy’s Law, what your rights are, and when you qualify for a Pro bono Marsy’s Law Attorney.

Maximize Your Voice